Meet the mom behind the cloth!

I always intended to cloth diaper my babies.  When I found out I was pregnant, I registered for random diapers, and once I received them, I was completely stumped.  I did some internet research, and was instantly overwhelmed.  I said never mind, I can’t do this with a newborn, it just sounds too hard.

Fast forward a few months… I am sick of buying disposable diapers and feel wasteful.  I’m also feeling much better a few months post-partum, and am getting a lot more sleep 😉

I finally feel like I can tackle learning how to cloth diaper.  I get online and read, read, read.  I spent weeks reading and learning and asking and listening.  It consumed me.  I was even dreaming about it!

I created How to Cloth Diaper so you can get started quickly and successfully and learn how to navigate the process all the way from newborn to potty training.